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"India"  Sort by

The Story of India: The Power of Ideas

   2007    History
Michael Wood’s epic series moves on to the revolutionary years after 500BC - the Age of the Buddha. Travelling by rail to the ancient cities of the Ganges plain, by army convoy through Northern Iraq, and on down the Khyber Pass, he shows how Alexander the Great’s invasion of India inspired her first empire.
Series: The Story of India

The Story of Maths The Genius of the East

   2008    Science
When ancient Greece fell into decline, mathematical progress stagnated as Europe entered the Dark Ages, but in the East mathematics reached new heights. In the second episode, Du Sautoy explores how maths helped build imperial China and discovers how the symbol for the number zero was invented in India. He also looks at the Middle Eastern invention of algebra and how mathematicians such as Fibonacci spread Eastern knowledge to the West.
Series: The Story of Maths

To Kill a Tiger

   2022    History
(Click CC for subtitles) Ranjit, a farmer in India, takes on the fight of his life when he demands justice for his 13-year-old daughter, the victim of a brutal gang rape. His decision to support his daughter is virtually unheard of, and his journey unprecedented. Nominated for Best Documentary Award, the film has an undeniable and unshakable power. It is one of those documentaries where anyone who watches it won’t be the same person by the end as they were when it started.
To Kill a Tiger offers the viewer remarkable access to village life, not just in the modest home where Ranjit’s family make roti on an open fire, but in the fields where they herd goats and collect water from a pump. The camera finds quiet details, like Ranjit’s daughter carefully weaving ribbons into her hair. Women and men insist that the community, not the criminal court, should solve the issue with a forced marriage—to remove the ‘stain on her’. The men become increasingly hostile—to the family, and eventually to the film crew itself.

Trust No One: The Hunt for the Crypto King

   2022    Culture
This is the story of Gerald Cotten and the many people who ended up with empty bank accounts after investing in his Bitcoin cryptocurrency exchange, QuadrigaCX. What does a crypto exchange do? The movie explains it concisely and it almost makes sense: A guy like Cotten takes an investment, converts it to Bitcoin and trades it in hopes of turning a profit, kind of like a stock day trader does. Cotten ’s described as a nerdy guy who felt like an outcast, but found a community of like-minded types in the cryptocurrency world.
Cotten was in India when he got sick and unexpectedly died; he was 30. At the time, QuadrigaCX was Canada’s biggest crypto exchange, holding north of $200 million. But nobody could access the keys and passwords to the company’s accounts and, against conventional wisdom, the company had no safeguards to stop such a thing from happening. Everyone who invested their money was left grasping at empty air. Internet forums foster ideas such as Cotten faked his death and took the money. The journalists and forensic accountants who lend the voice of reason, explores the oddities in the Cotten narrative, ruling out some of the crazier stuff in a quest for the truth.

Why are We Here

   2014    Science
In episode two, Professor Brian Cox is off to India, where he assesses arguably the first evidence of rational thought in literature, the poetry of the Vedic monks. They pondered mankind's origins, realising there must have been a day with no yesterday - a day of creation - prompting the age-old question of where did the universe come from? Brian marvels that the universe seems to follow a set of rules, the laws of physics, allowing space to be considered on the grandest scale, travelling to the most distant, farthest reaches of the cosmos just by using our minds. Brian also visits Japan, and offers viewers the idea that man lives in just one of an infinite number of universes that are being made all the time.
Series: Human Universe

Why Does Evil Exist

   2016    Culture
In the fifth episode of the series, Morgan Freeman sets to examine the nature of evil, visiting a serial killer in prison and witnessing an exorcism in India. He also explores ancient beliefs, including Zoroastrianism.
Series: The Story of God


2018  Nature
The Art of Russia

The Art of Russia

2009  Art
Wild Isles

Wild Isles

2023  Nature
Secrets of the Octopus

Secrets of the Octopus

2024  Nature


2013  History
Reel Rock

Reel Rock

2014  Culture
Space Deepest Secrets

Space Deepest Secrets

2020  Technology
Planet Earth III

Planet Earth III

2023  Nature